Hunger Free Schools Toolkit
Let’s make a difference for MN students.
Start Here! Info Sheet
Welcome to Hunger-Free Schools! We’re on a mission to push hunger off the table for all Minnesota students. Learn more with the link below!
Conversation Starters & Talking Points
How can you spread the word about Hunger-Free Schools? Talk to people about it! Here are some easy ways to kick off a conversation with friends, family, or colleagues.
Get More Involved!
You already signed the petition and started spreading the word about Hunger-Free Schools? Wow, thanks! Here are even more ways you can support this initiative. (And here’s a printable version.)
Printable Flyer
Does your yoga class, food co-op, or community center have a bulletin board? Want to hand something out at the next PTA meeting? Use this printable flyer!
Another Printable Flyer!
We like options. Here’s another version of our printable flyer to send people to the website and encourage them to get involved!
Printable Postcard
We want to capture YOUR stories. Print a postcard - or a few - and share your thoughts with us! We’ll pass them along to key legislators. Need a version with crops and bleed? Find that here!